Bookmarx opened in May 2014, which makes Bookmarx a Taurus. I am uncertain if this is a positive or a negative, since, despite steadily selling copies of A Complete Guide to the Tarot, Guided Tarot for Teens, and Jane Austen tarot decks, I know nothing about the mystical from tarot to hoodoo to astrology. Not a single clue. Without looking it up, I’m going to imagine that Tauruses are messy and love drama.

Bookmarx was started by Joshua Arnett and Aubrey Prugger, and on opening day we had exactly ZERO cats. We have since added one full-time cat (Googey) and a part-time ne’er-do-well cat (Squash). For a short period, we had a third cat (Pushkin) but due his tendency to smell terrible, he has been banished to Josh’s house where customers cannot leave one star reviews that say “Ewwwww, smells like cat pee!” and the only one-star reviews I receive are written in the hearts of women who never return for a second date.

Prior to starting BookMarx, Joshua worked for 8 years at Book Castle in its two incarnations (the first of which BLEW UP!) and taught English as a second language for close to a decade before becoming a full-time Cormac McCarthy pusher when Aubrey moved to Columbia to complete her graduate work. That’s about it; come pet the cats and buy some books!